Application for registration in the list of reviewers of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

This is an application form for registration in the list of reviewers in accordance with Act no. 269/2018 Coll. and the Agency’s internal regulation Principles for registration in the list of reviewers, deletion from this list, and the setting up of panels of experts of the Slovak Accreditation Agency of Higher Education’s Executive Board.

A. Personal and contact details

Address for Correspondence

B. Minimal requirements for registration to the list of reviewers (please mark all relevant) *

C. Higher education (highest achieved or/and in progress) *

D. Employment

Conflict of interest

E. Experience and outputs

F. Declarations of Honor

G. Attachments

If you have experienced any technical difficulties or troubles while filling the form, please let us know. We will gladly do our best to improve the forms for better user experience. Thank you.